Finally, after weekends and weekends of watching daddy race, Henry made his big race

day debut at Fox River Grove on the Big Wheel that his Uncles Andrew and Nate gave him for his 2nd birthday. He is clearly relishing the chance to race as he pulls out in front of the peloton.

After an early lead, Henry took a turn for the worse when he ran off the course. When interviewed during the race, he described the event as a "Biiiigggg Crasssshhhh!!!"

Dispite the mishap, Henry was still able to take 2nd place, where he rocked the podium in his race day "Bikicle" t-shirt. Although his parents were extremely proud of his race day finish, the look on Henry's face clearly shows his disapointment placing second. He has resolved to be out on his wheel again soon, riding for a 1st place finish.
We wish you well, Henry! We wish you well.
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